The old days of marketing are over. Yellow pages, mailers, inserts, and even websites are becoming less effective.  Today consumers want to get to know you before they buy.  One of the most effective online strategies  to obtain more customers is through video.  Studies show that video converts prospects into buying customers better than traditional marketing methods.

The question becomes how to get your video in front of targeted prospects.  We have answered that challenge by developing a unique online method to push your video to  page one of Google.  When your video appears in the search engines it give your business an unfair advantage because it grabs the consumers attention.  It forces prospects to click on your video.  Studies have show that online shoppers will click on a video at a rate of 10 times more when compared to a website.

Here are some facts about video marketing:

  • YouTube is the Third Most Trafficked Website on the Internet, right Behind Facebook.
  • YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine.  Google is #1 Yahoo #3.
  • YouTube gets an astonishing 790 million visitors per month and 100 BILLION Page Views.
  • A total of 3 BILLION hours is spent on  YouTube in a month — over 325,000 years.
  • Google and MSN both reported that Sales can increase by 73% when Video is added!
  • When you have the right video optimization strategy, a Video will show up on the front page of Google for your keyword(s).
    And there is more…
  • Looking into the future –  Cisco predicts that video will increase from 30% of Internet traffic to 90% of Internet traffic by 2013.
  • More video content is added to YouTube in a 2 month period that the three largest American TV Networks add in 60 years!
  • Studies show that consumers prefer to learn about your business thru video.
  • Video has the highest ROI for your marketing budget.

So what are you waiting for! The opportunity is limitless with no barriers to entry!